7 Ways To Use Balloon Décor For Your Party
Balloons are the favorite décor item, be it for kids’ party or any other. It just takes a few balloons to add that cuteness to any party, and can you guess what the balloon trend is right now? Yes, it is balloon garlands. You guessed it right; it is a garland of balloons that makes a party all the more welcoming if hung at the right spot. Let’s see how.
1. Balloons in the entrance
When there are balloon garlands in the entrance, you know there is a party going on, and what better way to impress the guests. Combine it with similar colored flowers and leaves and see how it makes way for a grand welcome. You can also decorate the path leading to the event with lots of balloons.
2. Use it as a point of focus
If there is something particular in the party that needs attention, frame it with balloons. This attracts the guests to that particular place just like you wanted. For example, you can do a welcome sign with balloons, or even a welcome table can be decorated with balloons. Selfie spots are common at parties, and these can be framed with balloons for a great look.
3. A wall of balloons
Unlike the traditional flower walls, balloon walls are pocket-friendly. Mix and match balloons of different shades and sizes, and the wall is definite to catch eyes. Balloon walls also make a wonderful backdrop for the photos that you can store as memories of your special day.
4. Place cards
Place cards are inevitable for any party, and balloon place cards are cuter than anything. While it can be multi-colored for kids’ events, keep it stylish by mixing gold, silver, and black for formal ones.
5. Balloon as a cover
Not every party venue will be picture-perfect. Balloons can save your day if you need to conceal someplace, like a discolored wall or a bad corner. Make a garland out of balloons and hang it right at the spot.
6. Balloon canopy
How about a canopy made of balloons? Read lots of strings and ribbons attached to balloons. With canopies of balloons, ceilings have never been more beautiful. Experiment with the number of strings, the material of the ribbon, and the way they are arranged, and you will get amazing combinations.
7. Balloons for the floor
If you thought balloons have to be always hung or tied, you are wrong. Try blowing balloons and leave them on the party floor. The kids, especially, will love this as they get their hands on loads of balloons at once.
Rack your brains, and you will get lot more ideas to accentuate your party spot with balloons. Balloons come in diverse colors and shapes, making them the go-to décor items. Different colors can give different moods to the party, and you can choose your party mood with the right balloons. So, let’s do some balloon shopping.